
Mesotherapy is the unique combination of art and science developed by Dr. Michel Pistor of Paris, France in 1952 and now became one of the most important established ways in Europe to improve the skin texture, fullness, glow, and radiance by targeting the dermis the source of collagen and the source of youth. Also it is important way to treat local obesity not responding to diet and exercise. Later, mesotherapy is used for other indications like hair loss and whitening of the face.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where we could apply it?

We could apply it to face, neck, chest area, back of the hands, body skin and fat, scalp (hair) depending on the indications.

Which skin type is good candidate for mesotherapy?

All skin types are good candidate for mesotherapy.

In general can tell all the indications simply fast?

Acne scars, rejuvenation, face fullness and glow, whitening face, Lip dystrophy, Alopecia, Hair Loss (both female and male), Cellulite, local Obesity, Stretch Lines, Rides, Sun Damaged Skin, and Wrinkles.

How we can apply mesothrapy?

Mesotherapy can be carried out either manually using a syringe (mandatory in fat) or by using very small needles in meso roller or pen, or with a mesotherapy gun.

What are the advantages of mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a safe technique. Mesotherapy Solution is placed directly into the target area thus minimizing side effects, allergies and drug interaction.

Mesotherapy also is an effective alternative for the treatment of cellulite, localized fat deposits, and alopecia and face/neck rejuvenation. Unlike surgery, Mesotherapy requires no post-operative recovery time, requires no heavy bandages or girdles, and no anesthesia is necessary. While many surgical procedures require one to two weeks of recovery, patients undergoing Mesotherapy have no interruptions to their daily life, while obtaining natural cosmetics rejuvenation.

How often to get mesothreapy?

Mesotherapy treatments are typically given once per week. As improvement is seen, the treatments may be given less frequently, such as once every two weeks or once per month.

It is mandatory for best results to come every week for the first four sessions but after that on occasion a treatment may be skipped–this will not affect your progress.

What are the benefits of mesotherapy over surgical techniques such as liposuction?

Liposuction does not treat cellulite. In fact, liposuction often causes existing cellulite to appear more prominent. Mesotherapy treats cellulite directly, promoting smoother skin and reducing fat in selected areas. Fat deposits are flushed from the body, and do not reappear in other areas, which often occurs after liposuction. Mesotherapy does not require hospitalization, general anesthesia or downtime.

How does mesotherapy reduce or eliminate cellulite and fat?

Mesotherapy treats three factors involved in cellulite formation. Your doctor creates a specific formula to reduce the fat in your cellulite, improve impaired circulation and break down damaged connective tissue – thereby smoothing the skin’s surface. Mesotherapy can treat cellulite located anywhere on the body.

What are mesotherapy's anti-aging and skin rejuvenation uses?

Subdermal vitamin injections rejuvenate the cells, making them more active, and thereby stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. You can begin anti-aging treatments in your mid-twenties or thirties to prevent wrinkles from forming. Treatments for the face, neck, arms and hands are recommended several times each year.

How does mesotherapy promote weight loss and spot reduction?

Our customized formula prevents cells from storing fat, and helps break down existing fat cells. Spot reduction targets double chins, love handles, pooch belly and any other areas displaying fat pockets.

When will I see results in meso fat, face, and hair?

Results vary depending on your body type and the condition being treated. On average, patients notice visible improvement in two to three sessions. For certain conditions, patients see results after the first session.

  • For face: patient starts to see results after two sessions
  • For hair loss: patient sees improvement after four sessions.

Will the results last?

The results for fat do last, especially when combined with exercise and proper nutrition. However, for face we cannot stop the natural aging that affects your appearance. For this reason, we recommend regular maintenance visits.

Are there any side effects?

A common side effect of Mesotherapy is bruising, which generally resolves over one week. To speed up the healing process, we recommend that the homeopathic supplement arnica be applied topically on a daily basis. Patients may experience temporary soreness. This will subside within 24-48 hours.



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